Thursday, February 23, 2012

Game Cancelled

Given that the heat policy is 36C and higher at 5pm for cancellation and the report on 5AA was 38C, I think a safe interpretation is all games are Cancelled for this evening.

Looks like Monday will be cooler for training and maybe we need a Wednesday training to get up to speed for an important game against the Red ream.

Have a great weekend !!

Best Regards,

Round 14

This week's game - round 14, 24/02/12
Parkers RED D2 V's Hallett Cove
Date: 10/02/12
Time: 9pm (start time)
Location: Home Court 10
Please meet at 8:45

Captain this week is Megan Charlton

Scorer for this weeks round (24/02/12) is: Charlton
Scorer for next round (02/3/12) is: Contala
(if you are unavailable to score please organise with another parent to swap)
Reminder for Captain parents to bring half time fruit pieces or energy sweets.

Apologies for the late notice this week.

Please listen out for the 5pm news broadcast temperature readings on 5AA today as the heat policy is 'if 36deg C or above at 5pm, then games are cancelled)

I'll email again if we hear anything.


Thursday, February 16, 2012

URGENT - Yes, Again


We have just been advised that St. Michael's have forfeited tomorrow night's game.

Everyone have relaxing night and we will see you at training on Monday 6pm sharp.

Best Regards,

Yes - this is real and NOT a Hoax ;-) - so lets look forward to a game we need to win against Hallett Cove on the 24th.

CU@training Monday night

Thursday, February 9, 2012



We have just been advised that Sparkling Diamonds have forfeited tonight's game.

Everyone have relaxing night and we will see you at training on Monday 6pm sharp.

Best Regards,

Game 12

This week's game - round 12, 10/02/12
Parkers RED D2 V's Sparkling Diamonds
Date: 10/02/12
Time: 8pm (start time)
Location: Home Court 16
Please meet at 7:45

Captain this week is Megan Charlton

Scorer for this weeks round (10/02/12) is: Charlton
Scorer for next round (17/2/12) is: Contala
(if you are unavailable to score please organise with another parent to swap)
Reminder for Captain parents to bring half time fruit pieces or energy sweets.

Apologies for the late notice this week.
